Planning...For December

I'm starting to plan out December since it's festival heavy so... here's my schedule we'll be using Little Acorn Learning December ('cause I have it):

Week 1:  Advent - wreath, St Nic, Speculaas cookies (windmill type cookies)
Week 2:  Advent, St Lucy, Gingerbread Boy story, Gingerbread cookies & people, poss. tree
Week 3:  Advent, Winter Solstice, Winter Spiral, Rocket Dog's B-day, Tree Decorating,  Christmas Cookies
Week 4:  Advent, Christmas, New Year, Starting Fresh!  

Gosh I LOVE the holidays!  As word of caution...whatever you are will be enough.  Make this holiday season about your family and not about striving to make the "perfect" home, holiday, festival, etc...whether waldorf or not the family needs you to be sane and happy.

I'm in the final process of planning next year so hopefully I'll have my plans up before New Years...but we'll see ;^)

It's been a really busy week with library storytime, Farmer BT finishing harvesting yesterday, nature center turkey day today (we saw 5!!!...course we see them in the backyard but ...) and tomorrow a playdate.  This has been way, way too busy of a week and really out of the ordinary so I'll be glad to get us back to quiet time at home starting on the weekend.

I've been listening to some talk entitled Chats With Lauri that Melisa Nielsen did over at Waldorf Essentials with Lauri Bolland and I highly recommend listening.  Very insightful!

While listening to them I finished Rocket Dog's's not one of my better ones...


  1. December is one of my favorite months to plan for as well-- so many great things to do. And I love your reminder that what you do will be enough

    Thanks for linking up to Waldorf Wednesday. Hope to see you back this week!


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